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Becoming an AWE Project


If you are interested in becoming an A.W.E. project we ask that you first familiarize yourself with our Project Packet and Policies & Procedures Manual. These will give you an overview of what becoming an A.W.E. project entails.
Guidelines to Consider Before Applying
  • The project must align with A.W.E’s Mission Statement.
  • We do not accept projects that intend to be a for-profit endeavor.
  • We do not accept projects with paid staff, their own Oregon non-profit status, or their own bank account.
  • There must be a designated contact person for the project with an email address and phone number.
  • The project application form must be received two weeks prior to the next scheduled board meeting to give the Board time to review the application.
  • A proposed annual budget must be submitted with your application.
  • A representative from your project must be able to attend the board meeting to discuss the project application with the Board.
Project Requirements
  • All A.W.E. projects must submit a project report, at least one week prior to each scheduled board meeting.
  • All A.W.E. projects must comply with the policies and procedures outlined in the Policies & Procedures Manual.
If you would like the Board to consider your project, please fill out a Project Application and submit it via email to Please note the A.W.E. Board meets the last Monday of January, March, May, July, September and November.
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